four little pumpkins

72797282If you live in Vegas, or anywhere similar temperature wise, then you know not to carve your pumpkins until the week of Halloween. We broke the cardinal rule this year since Grandma and Grandpa Penning were here for the baptism. It was worth having to “deep-freeze” the pumpkins so that grandpa could help carve. We also dipped carameled apples and made Squished Witches with Grandma McCracken.


The next Saturday, we had the McCracken clan over to paint pumpkins and decorate Halloween cookies. Yeah, the kids have been celebrating for two weeks now. :) The ninos had a blast with their cousins.



Check out more pictures here and here. The amount of candy that was piled on top of the sugar cookies is totally kid ridiculous. Don’t you think? And yet, they ate the whole cookie. :)

Mother’s Day 2009

So, the plan was for all of the kids to help make breakfast for mommy and deliver it to her in bed. Mom tried to pry the secret out of them during the day on Friday, but they stayed strong! Saturday night trouble landed the girls in their bedrooms though, so it was just Daddy and the boys; they were super excited to help with Mommy’s special treat. We made French Toast and eggs, with juice and some strawberries. Bon Appetit!


rachie day, take five

How does a new mom of four celebrate Rachie Day:

1. French Toast and strawberries in bed

–delivered by the most adorable brown-skinned beauties you have ever seen.

2. Gorgeous flowers arranged in my grandmother’s carnival glass vase

–arranged by mine truly. 

3. Watching three of the four ninos sing (I Often Go Walking…) their hearts out with the primary

–the fourth was, well, singing his own tune in the van with daddy. :)

4. Dinner with the McCrackens

–the men planned, prepped, and cleaned a “Tour of Italy.” (I am sure it was delicious)

5. One yummy back massage, and another amazing card from Adam

–a perfect ending to a perfect day…………as a new mom!

easter tidings

It is the beautiful Easter season, and I feel compelled to share this beautiful video. It reminds me of our Savior’s sacrifice, and helps me remember that Jesus has been by my side through every fertility struggle, every lonely moment, and every difficult decision. I am grateful for his sacrifice in death. And I am even more grateful for the hope and glory his resurrection provides.

If there are any among you who are confused as to what we believe, or who doubt our devotion to the Lord Jesus, please take this as a small testimony of our faith, of our belief in his divinity, and of his power to heal our hearts.


In the next two posts we will be sharing our son’s (Danny) baptism, and our family trip to the temple. I am excited to share it with our family and friends who live far away. I also can’t wait to share our special weekend with those of you who we have never met, yet think of as friends, regardless of our different religious backgrounds.

a very merry christmas


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! Okay, so it is January 12th–I know. But I can’t seem to post anything 2009 related until December is caught up. The kids woke up to stuffed stockings and hot chocolate. Grandparents McCracken and fam came over in the afternoon. And Grandparents Penning flew in around 2:00 p.m. The lucky little ninos had both sets of grandparents here to share in their very first Christmas. I will never ever forget that day. Because of our adoption expenses this year, Christmas was a little sparse, but it totally did not matter. The kids were grateful and cheering over their socks. They loved every little dollar trinket in their stocking. And the big gift for the year (two family scooters) were the hit of the day. I continue to be overwhelmed by our children’s gratitude for everything. And I am also overwhelmed by the generosity of grandparents, family, and friends toward our children.

Adam and I strongly disagree that it takes a village to raise a child–but we are blessed to have the companionship, support, and love of the village all around us. The village we have created for our family is the best bonus we could ever hope for. We also realize that although our Christmas was a little on the lean side, it was more than our kids had ever seen or imagined. In addition, there are so very many families either out of work and/or in poorer circumstances than us. Our prayers and thoughts go out to them. And we continue to count our many many blessings.


One interesting McCracken adoption fact is that the children didn’t really have Christmas at their orphanage. From what we gather, Juan Pablo did get presents from Santa–last year he got his Batman motorcycle and his Spiderman sweat suit, which are both going in his keepsake chest. But he was the only one to receive gifts because he was in the “baby” house. The older kids’ casas did not receive any presents or a visit from Santa. However, they did get to do some kind of activity to participate in. Danny explained to me that all the boys in his house got to go to a big pool and swim last year.

In short, the kids knew about Christmas and had a few glimmers here and there, but now they go to weekly worship service where they learn of the Savior, they pray in the name of Jesus Christ, and they understand a little more of what Christmas is all about. Adam and I did not exchange gifts this year, but Tia Jaime Lynne took the ninos to the dollar store and let them each pick out a present for me and Adam. We received silk hangers, school folders, pin-wheels, and other trinkets. And they were the best, most thoughtful Christmas presents EVER!!!!!!! We wouldn’t change our new world for anything.

Go here for more pics!!! And I can’t close a Christmas post without at least one video…for all of our videos go to and search for adam 89117. We have five Christmas videos housed there.

nestled all snug in their beds…


Yes, we were actually prepared enough to let the kids sleep under the tree. Sleeping under the Christmas tree is one of my favorite childhood memories, and I really want the kids to experience it while they are still young. Next year will be even more memorable since their language abilities will be better. We might even join them!!!

You do notice that one little nino is not in his sleeping bag. I don’t even remember now what he did, but Juan Pablo ended up back in his room without his pillow. Adam and I laughed all night about it. I can’t wait to put this picture in Juan P.’s lifebook with a giant title named, “Wompied on Christmas Eve.”

christmas eve with papa noel (aka–santa)


We spent our first Christmas as a family here in Las Vegas. It was wonderful to not have the added pressures of traveling and packing for this particular occassion. Christmas Eve was spent with Adam’s family at Grandma and Grandpa McCracken’s home. We had a wonderful meal, as usual. Luckily Debbi likes us outlaws enough that she provided an itty bitty turkey to accompany the traditional Christmas Ham. Thank you, mother-in-law. I still wasn’t allowed to bring mashed potatoes :) which didn’t bother Adam because he LOVES scalloped potatoes!!! I’m really glad I made two giant pans because they were both gone in an instant.
As for the kids, they were contented to be with family and eat Christmas yumminess. But grandma prepared a special Santa treat for them. After we finished dinner, Papa Noel came by for a visit complete with giant candy cane sticks for each of the children. You’ll notice a fifth child at the back of the pack–that is Kavika. He has been with us for a month now and will be staying with us for a little while longer. He might be with us until the end of the school year. We are still pounding out the details. Regardless, we have enjoyed (and still enjoy) having him around.


The ninos were all able to open their gifts from grandma and grandpa that night! Check out these adorable furry hooded blankets. The kids went nuts!!!


more spoilage, please


Right before leaving for Thanksgiving in Logan, we glittered new stockings for our growing family. We also put up Christmas lights, decorated the house, and did some Christmas shopping. The kids had a blast, and they definitely know what Christmas is. I knew that we would be gone until the very end of Thanksgiving weekend so I wanted to get a jump start.

We also made our way to Jaimee and Brian’s home for Thanksgiving. They hosted for the whole family this year, and it was wonderful. Jaimee out did herself on decorations and food. Brian even smoked a turkey and a brisket for us to munch on through the weekend. We did miss my brother Mike and his family. Their work schedule caused them to stay back in Yakima. We missed them very very much. Oh yeah, I made the cute little turkey name holders…thanks for letting me place them on the magnificently dressed table, Jaimee.

We ate, and ate, and ate. We visited the Lights at Temple Square. We played games. We ate some more. We went fourwheeling and walking. We opened presents. And, finally, we ate some more.

5708571157175735Since we wouldn’t all be together for Christmas this year, we celebrated a little early. Grandma and aunties were way too generous. The boys wore their new little suits today with pride. And the girls wore their new little fluffy dresses. Thanks, grandma. Here are a few more pics from the weekend.

5757576357665769I guess there is no hiding Christmas from the kids anymore. :) Apparently, they never celebrated Christmas in the orphanage, and never received gifts. It’s a bright new world for these four little munchkins. We are blessed to be a part of it. The best of it all is that they are so thankful for everything they receive–and they treasure even their “smallest” gifts. The little writing books from the $1.00 bin were the hit of the drive home, mom. Amazing!

Our children are fantastic travelers. Not much complaining, and not any fighting either. And yes, that is without any movies playing in the car. I think they know that to be Rach and Adam’s kids, they have to be good travelers. I have no qualms about driving to Washington next summer with them. We are so lucky!!!!!!!!

is it really over?


Yes, unfortunately, it really is over. At least for another year! Zionfest 2008 came and went in the blink of an eye. Those who took the time off work, gathered permits, made long drives, and left little ones behind were not disappointed. At least, I hope not. This year’s theme was “Call of the Canyon” (credits go to Robert Lea). Next year, however, the ladies have decided that the themed t-shirt will center around “Oh the Life of a Canyoneer’s Wife” Clever, eh? Maybe by then Valerie really will have purchased the straight-jacket for Carter…she keeps threatening.

Even though we spent almost a week at Zion Nat’l Park, it doesn’t seem like nearly enough time. I guess with everyone moving back to Las Vegas (how did that happen?) coordinating and planning will be easier. Regardless, I would fly home from China to honor this friendship tradition. Some people can’t believe that the 10 of us (which does vary each year depending on who’s in labor) actually take a holiday weekend and spend it together as friends. But our friends are family. There is no distinction to me. I wish everyone I know could have a life like mine. Our friends, at times, have been more supportive of our adoption than some family members. Our friends get us (in all our nerdiness–I know we’ll try to bring less electronic gear next year). Our friends visit us even when we’re seven hours away. I could go on and on, but as anyone who reads this blog knows, our friends are treasured by Adam and I.

Here’s a run-down of pictures…Click on the link to see more. (Jena, you can download and or all–just have to do it one at a time.)

Behunin Almost:


Emerald Pools:


Das Boot:


Random Fun Pics:

We had a fabulous time. Thanks Zioneers for being our friends. Our group vacations never ever disappoint. Oh yeah, I got 10 scrap pages done while I was there. That is the defining measure of how successful the trip was–in my book anyway!