Long Time Gone! – Olympic National Park – August 2014

It’s been too long, and many things have happened. First, my old implementation of Gallery2 is no longer supported in WordPress, so I’m going to try use a new photo/media manager. If you can’t see the pics, please let me know. I’ll probably try a few until I find the right one.

We went to Kalaloch in August. We had a great time camping, visiting Ruby Beach, the Hoh rain forest, and a few other sites.The campground is very tight quarters, but a really pretty place. It was my first time there, and a revisit for the Penning crew. We hiked the Hoh River trail and explored some great places. We even saw a monster elk, munching away at grass near the trail.

Hoh Rain Forest, Ruby Beach, lots of fun!

poulsbo, wa….the leas new home


The start of our Memorial Weekend 2013 actually started in Poulsbo, WA. We traveled to see Rob and Jaime’s new home. They were all very gracious allowing us to inundate their home for two nights and taking us around the town. We played in their backyard, found crabs at the beach, went to the aquarium, checked out a local ice cream shop, ate pizza, walked down the pier, went on a date without the kids, and of course, Jaime and I sneaked a lunch in while the guys entertained. :) We packed in as much fun as we could before heading out for camping. We had a great time. And we hope the Leas are happy in Poulsbo for a long time to come so that we have close access to them. They are only a few hours away now. Way better than 17!!!





Adam and Brian thought it would be fun to go do carnival rides during Easter Break. Papa and I went along to help herd the 10 children. The cousins had so much fun!!!



Umm, pretty sure the adult men also had fun!!!!!!!!!



the dam tour 2012


We took our parents and family to Hoover Dam this past spring. Yes, I’m playing blog catch up!!! We actually really dislike going out to the dam because it’s always windy and hot. But we also really wanted to walk on the new bridge. Very very impressive! It was fun walking across the top. But the more impressive view is from the bottom looking up…a true engineering feat! Adam decided to take all of the kids on the tour this time. Luckily, I had two under two that allowed me to escape this torturous event. So we headed home for naps while the men and papa took all the cousins on the tour. They had a blast!



I forgot about the picture of me and Gaven. Man, I miss that little guy!

delightful flurry

CHRISTMAS 2011, Yakima, WA

SO. MUCH. FUN. We haven’t had two weeks of solid family time in years. Actually, make that, Never. This Christmas was the perfect opportunity for our family to have some real time together. Here are a few highlights:


SLEDDING…lots of sledding


ZOO LIGHTS…Point Defiance Zoo

SEATTLE SCIENCE CENTER…worth every penny



CHRISTMAS EVE…program and pajamas

1. two treasured visits with Jes
2. a birthday party for six of the 14 grandkids (where are those pics?)
3. a visit to great-grandma and great-grandpa’s in Tacoma
4. four-wheeler rides
5. lunch and shopping with my favorite high school buddies
6. and last, but certainly not least, playing Santa to a family with eight children, whose dad lost his job two month previously. Adam even dressed up in a Santa suit for the occasion.

The whole Penning tribe pitched in so that we could not only provide Christmas dinner and presents for the children, but also, extra groceries, clothing, toys, books, gift cards for the parents, and new outfits for each child. For such a large family, it took the entire back of our Suburban and Papa Penning’s truck to carry it all. It was the sweetest and best highlight of the entire two weeks…watching our whole family work toward a common goal that reached past our differences and divisions, as we focused on something greater than ourselves….something that really matters.

As the four older girl cousins were helping me finish wrapping the gifts the day of the delivery I asked what their favorite part of planning for the family had been. Brooklynn said, “I am most excited to see the girls’ closets fill up with the clothes and things like I have.” The others chimed in saying they were sure the kids we had bought for didn’t have as much in their closets as we did and they were glad to share what they had so that someone else’s closet could be just as full. It made this mommy/auntie very proud of all our Tweens!

My other favorite moment was when Annie came in the living room with her brand new black leather church shoes and asked if she could give them to the three year old little girls (the family has twin girls). How could I refuse such a sweet and simple request. We wrapped up a couple of special things and Annie hand delivered them to the girls’ bed for them to open when they woke up. I think that will be one of Annie’s first real memories as she grows up, which makes me smile. I hope I can be more like that in my everyday living and doing.

Christmas was REALLY good this year! Christmas cards might not be sent out yet. My body may feel broken from the 17 hour drive. And my phone is lost somewhere between here and Ogden, but it was all worth it. And we’re home safe, looking anxiously into 2012. :)

girls trip 2011


YEAR FIVE: Cannon Beach, OR

MY GIRLS: Amy and Jessica

HOTEL: Surf Sands Resort

ACTIVITIES: scrapbooking, massages, eating, shopping, storm watching, talking


1. Croissant Breakfast Sandwiches

2. Driving through a flood, literally, to get to the Seaside scrapbook store

3. Watching the waves from our balcony

4. Talking, talking, talking

5. Diet coke and peanut M&M’s….of course

6. Listening to the constant sound of rain

7. Sitting in the hottub

8. Getting a massage

9. Hugging Truxton!



NEXT STOP: Colorado Vacay with the families….summer 2012

someday, hawaii. someday

Adam and I should be on a 10 day Hawaiian Cruise right now. We were slated to leave on Friday December 3rd, and we had planned to snorkel, snuggle, and sip deliciousness together…by ourselves…uninterrupted. But alas, three more children happened a couple of months back for which we are grateful. And yes, of course, we chose the children over the cruise. But not without a little hesitation on my part…just a little! :)

All is not lost, however. We were able to salvage half of our deposit, which is transferable to a cruise at a future date. I suppose we could have gotten respite care for the three littles, but we didn’t feel that was fair to them. Plus, it makes much more work for me in the end. I just hope my babysitters (aka, best sisters ever) will still be willing to take the kids when we do go since there are three more now. Maybe I’ll need to hire a service or something.

summer wrap up

Found these photos on my phone from this summer…

Danny at Camp Invent with his church buddy, Spencer:

Petting Zoo at Terrace Heights Library in Yakima:

Settlers, Settlers, and more Settlers:

Setting Up Grandma’s Classroom:

Gymnastics at the Rec Center:

nine feet under

While in Washington this summer, my sweet friend, Ginger, invited us swimming at her mom’s house. Oh, the memories. I spent much time there when I was a teenager. It was wonderful to see G’s mom and sisters and daughters. Ginger is one of the kindest people I know. It is one of her greatest qualities.


While we were there, all four ninos conquered their lingering fear of the “deep end,” once and for all. The deep end at this pool was a whopping nine feet! It was each nino’s first time on a real diving board, which was so fun to watch. Another thing I take for granted because I grew up with one in my backyard. There was no stopping them after the very first jump.


Another dear friend from high school, Jenny, joined us. Jenny and I have experienced so much together…even traveling across Europe. Man, I miss those days. We had so much fun together growing up and maturing into adulthood together. She is one of my best friends. We’ve known each other since we were nine.


I love peeking into both of my friends’ lives whenever I visit Yakima. I love them dearly. I just wish we lived closer so our children could really get to know each other. I also wish that I had more time to see them when I am in town. I never feel like I have enough time there…but we try to make the most of it.

Gone are the days of AAU basketball and sleepovers and Friday nights on the north hill of the football stadium. We have all traded up for great husbands, and gardens, and staying home with our beautiful children. I wouldn’t trade any of that.

To my friends–I love still having you both in my life. I smile when I think of each of you, and all the memories we possess. True treasures!

good little backpackers


Labor Day Weekend 2010 found us at Zion National Park on our very first backpacking trip–with the ninos. We have waited two years to be able to go, and the two littles are finally big enough to fit into backpacking packs. Each nino carried his or her own water, clothes, sleeping bag, and sleeping pad. Each of them also helped to carry parts of the two tents, food, and cooking items. Actually, my pack was the lightest it has ever been due to this help. I am thinking this is totally the way to go! :)

Adam and I slipped out of our tent the next morning for a quiet sunrise together:

So we only went a whopping four miles round trip. But for the kids’ first time out, it was a huge success. We have The Grand Canyon’s North Rim on our October docket. We are going to try for five miles this time.