A Princess, a Turtle, and a Haircut!!!


Last night (Halloween) was wonderful. But before all that–I finally got my hair cut. This is the only picture I have so far, but you get the idea. It’s just to my shoulders with lots of fun layers and lots of fun new colors. Washing my hair today was like a dream. Goodbye old hair–you were weighing me down!!!

Anyhow, Brooklynn dressed as Princess Aurora and Spencer dressed as a turtle. We had Brian’s family over for pumpkin chili and trick-or-treating. The kids had a blast. The food was great. Brookie couldn’t wait to get out trick-or-treating. She even had on purple tights with black sparkling spiders–super cute.


As you can tell–Spencer loved his turtle outfit. He kept flipping onto his side and back with no way to get on his tummy….just like a real turtle. It was so funny. And the picture below is of Brooklynn in front of her palace. This is definitely her domain around here.


Pumkin Carving at it’s Best


We had a pumkin carving night last week. (I know, I’m a little behind) Spencer wore his sister’s hat and onesie from when she was a baby. They were both perfect fits. Brook, Brian, and Adam all carved jack-o-lanterns while I took pictures. Jaimee had Spencer Patrol.

We had pumkin pie after, which was the perfect ending to pumpkin filled night.


Adam and Brooklynn


I had to snap these pics last night because this is a familiar scene in the Hirschi’s basement, and I want to remember it when we leave. Most nights Brooklynn begs either Aunt Rach or Uncle Adam to go in the hot tub, watch a movie, or scrapbook. Last night, Uncle Adam won.


Adam and Brooke have a bit of a love, hate relationship. Well, Brooke seems to have that with all of us lately–but especially uncle Adam. Often, I hear her tell him to get away and then the next moment find her snuggled up next to him watching cartoons. Last night was Curious George. Adam doesn’t mind Brooklynn duty because he can do homework or work on his laptop on the comfy couch.



Below is a double page layout I did for my wedding album. I love scrapbooking to preserve memories. My grandparents and great aunts and uncles have all had a major influence in shaping my beliefs and outlook on family, sacrifice, and dedication. This layout is just a small tribute to a few of them. I intend to do much more of this in the years to come so that my children and their children will understand how amazingly blessed they are to be a part of our family.


Welcome Baby Haiden


Announcing Baby Haiden Basford. My fifth nephew (third living) to be born. How precious is that? He belongs to my baby sister Lindsey. The black hair is his mommy’s. She was our little Indian baby when she was born, with that same amount of hair. Totally opposite from his big brother Logan who had his daddy’s features and hair from the beginning.


We are going to Washington this week to see baby Haiden and baby Chase. I can’t wait to snuggle and nuzzle them both. Below is Great Grandpa Harvey who lives with mom and dad.


Once there was a Snowman!


6 October 2007…Logan, UT’s first snowday. We woke up conference morning to glorious falling snow out our bedroom window. The Hirschi’s were up at the Hideout with Brian’s family so Adam and had the gigantic house to ourselves.


It snowed all day and into the night. It was barely cold enough so the snow didn’t pile up too much. After the second session of conference, the neighbor kids were outside building a snowman–I wish I had snapped a pic. It ended up being like seven feet tall. It had five heads and was awesome. We are thoroughly enjoying the four seasons while we can. We only officially have eight more months until we start moving back to Las Vegas.


It’s done, it’s done! Well, almost.


Finally, Jaimee and Brian’s landscaping is finished–well, everything except for the FENCE. Don’t ask. :) Â Isn’t it beautiful? They chose grass, bark, trees, and a water feature as the main materials. They are still waiting on the black fence that wraps around the entire property….complete with an extra gate in the back for the neighbor kids. Oh yeah, there’s also a beautiful gazebo on order that will be framed by two trees against the hills.

1806They did a great job designing the children’s play area. The trampoline is in the ground for better safety, and the playhouse is padded with kid friendly materials. Brooklynn and neighbor friends have already broken it in. Oh yeah, don’t forget the basketball court and the hot tub. How can we not love living here? Great job Brian and Jaimee. I know that your family and friends will enjoy their visits for many years to come.

Thank Heaven For Little Boys–I Think


Recently, the Penning family has exploded by way of baby boys. Starting with Logan in December 2005 and ending (Hopefully) yesterday with the birth of baby Heyden–both belonging to Lindsey and Seth. Michael and Leticia’s baby Chase was just born a few weeks ago. And in the middle of it all there is seven month old Spencer, who belongs to Jaimee and Brian. I keep telling Adam we must adopt all girls to even everything out. Poor Brooklynn and Victoria….where have all their supposed girl cousins gone?  They must be patiently waiting in Colombia for Adam to finish school.

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We are not used to being outnumbered. In fact, girls have ruled the roost for a couple of generations–especially in the Smith line, which is where most of our girls cousins and aunts remain. We are heading to Washington next weekend for Chase and Heyden’s baby blessings. I’ll post some pics of Heyden then. Welcome To The Family Chase and Heyden. Prepare to be SPOILED!!!

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Brooklynn’s First Scrapbook Page


My six year old niece, Brooklynn, “discovered” scrapbooking this week. We set up her craft table in our office/scrap room so that she has her own little corner. I gave her all my scraps and extra stuff, and some of my old pictures to practice with.



The results were amazing. She decided a couple of days ago that she was finished practicing and wanted to move on to “real” pictures. So we gave her a couple pics from the family sealing to work on. Her favorite layout so far is of she and Spencer.


She’s learning all sorts of things about: ribbon, adhesives, rub-ons, stamps, sticker letters, coluzzle, and patterned paper. It gives me chills. For six….she is amazing at putting things together and creating. And now, she’ll always have a picture of her first scrapbook page.


Lake Powell Trip 2007–Another Hirschi Success


This past weekend was spent at Lake Powell on the annual Hirschi Family Summer’s End Excursion. 30 people, two boats, four Seadoos, a sandy beach, and lots of sun. We had a great time especially since we were spoiled with a 75′ luxurious houseboat. Brian out did himself this year!!! The boat had a hot-tub, five bedrooms, three flat screen TVs with Dish, and lots of other extras. Some of us stayed on the boat and some camped on the beach. We had more food than could possibly be eaten in four days, but the dinners we made were outstanding.

Of course, me being the dork that I am hauled my tub of scrapbooking supplies and created five beautiful pages. That was the best part for me. Well, playing Hand and Foot with the girls while eating peanut M&Ms and drinking diet coke ranks a close second. Adam spent most of his time in bed with a nasty cold, but he did get some exploring in. He took a Seadoo a couple of times and was gone for hours exploring the water filled canyons of the Lake.


As for the many kids on the trip, well, they spent most of their time fishing with Grandpa Hirschi, digging a giant hole in the sand (they did get buried at the end of the trip), building sand castles, swimming, and chasing lizards. Yes, the picture of Brooklynn holding something up is a dead lizard on a stick. She was quite proud. I say quite disgusting, but she LOVES animals.

Kudos to Jaimee and Brian for all their hard work and generosity. That is one of my favorite things about them…they are always willing to share everything they have to make others happy even if it stressed them out or inconveniences them. I love that!!! Thanks guys. The trip was perfect.