August 27: Today I had a visitor, my Uncle Mike was here from Wenatchee.
August 28: My CPAP came off today. I have been breathing well with it and the doctors set me free! I am a lot happier without it.
August 29: Mommy and Daddy got to see me much happier today again without the CPAP. My nurse Jen made a cute flower for my hat and we took some pictures.
August 30: I hit 3 pounds today! Unfortunately, I didn’t keep breathing as good as the doctors told me to, so they put the CPAP back on. :( I really don’t like it and keep trying to pull it off. But, they tell me it’s for the best.
August 31: My feeding keeps being increased. Today I am at 17mL every 3 hours. I have been very good at eating! Today I had great fun with Nurse Dan. He thought I hadn’t pooped enough and decided to help me with that. I don’t like that kind of stuff, so I showed him who’s boss! He said he’s never seen anyone poop like that before; it went all the way up his arm and out the incubator. I was trying to make a good impression. :)
September 1: My PICC line was removed today. The doctors say that I’m eating good and can get all the nutrients I need from my food now. My feedings are up to 20mL! I have been a very good girl and Mommy and Daddy are very proud.
September 2: The CPAP is off again, this time hopefully for good. I’ve been tugging on my feeding tube too, so I got to be tubeless for 3 whole hours today!
So precious! We especially enjoyed that fun you had with Nurse Dan. We think you are going to be fun to have around little, Hannah.
What a great week little precious girl! I especially like the nick name nurse Dan gave you :) Mom and Dad decided to leave that one out for some reason ;) Love Auntie Lindsey
What a trooper! I love checking her progress! Miss you all.
I cant wait to meet little Hannah, I so appreciate this update. For those of us who live so far away, its amazing to watch her progress! What a beauty!
Love the latest pictures. She is really growing into a baby! Hugs and kisses!
Praising God for your little miracle! <3