current condition

Things I suck at lately:

daily workouts

filing bills

putting the laundry away

posting on our family blog

clipping coupons

calling mom and dad just for fun

keeping up on the kids’ adoption life books

removing dishes out of my bedroom

having more faith during the current political climate

making a firm decision about becoming a foster parent


 Things I rock at lately:

going to bed earlier

making Adam smile

meal planning

daily calorie counting

posting on the adoption blog

paying closer attention to friendship

capturing more quiet moments

daily scripture study and meditation

loving my children more, on purpose

finding killer deals at Target, three weeks running

happy 33rd to me

6350YUMMY peanut butter cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory.  My mom and dad were in town on business during the week of my birthday so Adam and I were lucky enough to spend the evening out with both sets of our parents. I had the Luau salad, as usual. And we ordered the Factory Nachos as a starter. Does food get any better? Thanks again, mom and dad, for treating us. And Thank You–Angelina and Emily–for watching the kids–and for the scrumptious cupcakes. They were so cute, I didn’t want to eat them.


So becoming a mother is the only goal I wasn’t able to reach in my 25-30 five year plan. Instead of one healthy baby, I mourned three losses. Somehow, even at 33, I am still insanely jealous of those who reach that same goal. I think it is simply because I am used to doing whatever I say I am going to do. In that respect, not bearing children has been a completely humbling experience for me. And yet, I am still jealous. I guess I have a ways to go in the perfection department.

There were some momentous positives to my before 30 plan. I got married, traveled to five more countries, and finished my masters degree. All things I am extremely proud of, and grateful for. So at 33 I am left wondering, why didn’t I make a new five year plan at 30? I am all about goal-making and attaining. I think fertility and adoption took over my life for awhile, and it was difficult to focus on anything else. I am now resolved to have a two year plan. I will post the results when I am finished contemplating.