Easter Weekend 2012 was also the weekend that Joseph was baptized…by his daddy. In our religion, a child can be baptized at the age of eight. Joseph turned eight in March and decided that he would like to be baptized. He received a warm fuzzy blanket (papa penning) and a teddy bear (mary anne thomas) from different people who spoke to him about the Holy Spirit.
easter 2012
My, oh my! Aren’t they a handsome bunch?? :)
Adam and Brian thought it would be fun to go do carnival rides during Easter Break. Papa and I went along to help herd the 10 children. The cousins had so much fun!!!
Umm, pretty sure the adult men also had fun!!!!!!!!!
the dam tour 2012
We took our parents and family to Hoover Dam this past spring. Yes, I’m playing blog catch up!!! We actually really dislike going out to the dam because it’s always windy and hot. But we also really wanted to walk on the new bridge. Very very impressive! It was fun walking across the top. But the more impressive view is from the bottom looking up…a true engineering feat! Adam decided to take all of the kids on the tour this time. Luckily, I had two under two that allowed me to escape this torturous event. So we headed home for naps while the men and papa took all the cousins on the tour. They had a blast!
I forgot about the picture of me and Gaven. Man, I miss that little guy!
mt. stirling
Adam told me he has a new goal: summit all 50 Las Vegas area peaks with the kids. I slightly chortled and said, “Does Las Vegas even have 50 peaks worth hiking?” He says, “you get what you get, lady.” (what I always say to my kids) I’m thinking, go for it buddy…I’ll be at the spa. Although this time I somehow ended up staying home with a newborn, a two year old, and a seven year old. Hmm, no spa for me. :)
Don’t get me wrong. I love hiking. But I do not love walking-in-the-desert-through-a-wash-and-up-a-hill-to-say-I-hiked kind of hiking. *northwest snobbery at its finest*
I’ve been dragged on worse desert excursions than these pictures portray. This doesn’t look half bad, trust me! Maybe I’ll try the next one.
arizona canyon fun
Adam and Danny hit a canyon on the way back from scout camp in Arizona. Lucky Boys!
Danny had a blast getting wet!
Adam’s truck wouldn’t start when they exited the canyon. Luckily, there was a group a few hours behind them. The guys weren’t super pumped about spending another night in the 100 degree weather. But seriously, what would a canyon with my husband be like without a slight mishap??
three of seven
First round of birthdays. Annie, 5. Jo Jo, 8. Nikki, 10.
junior festival 2012
Junior Festival 2012
Ezzy–Dancing Elephants, Haiku.
Ranking, Superior
Danny–Creepy Crocodile, Bullfrog Blues.
Ranking, Excellent
we love gaven!
I have decided to post most of my Gaven specific stuff on the adoption/foster blog because of the specific followers there. And, yes, I’ve actually recently posted. hehe! Mostly, you’ll love the pics we’ve put up. His eyes are to die for. I am back in the blogging game, hopefully. Waiting on some pics from hubby’s computer so I can post Easter and forward. I have a lot to say about Foster care and our recent experiences. That stuff will be kept on the other blog so I don’t weigh this family fun blog down with too much heavy. :)
Check Baby Gaven out: adoption.ourlittlemcfamily.com
daddy, can we go camping?
Adam is such a sucker! And I love him for it. The older kids asked if he would take them, and we actually had a semi-free weekend ahead of us when they asked. Sooo…the three oldest kiddos backpacked Bridge Mountain with their dad in mid-February….something he’s wanted to do with them for awhile.
Adam, Daniel, Ezzy, and Nikki.
As you can tell from the pictures, it was a bit chilly, with “lots of snow” still on the ground. But the daytime hiking weather was perfect. The three kids snuggled up in a backpacking tent together while Adam braved his bivy. Daniel even woke himself up to see his first very sunrise ever. He is definitely maturing…even if he’s super middle school dorky right now. :)