beach bums in the making


After our fun-filled week at Zion, we rushed home to wash clothes and sleep so we could be ready the next day to drive to L.A. Adam had a last-minute business meeting so we tagged along. I called my long-time friend, Marisa, and she graciously drove down from Ventura with her three girls so we could hang out. I was ecstatic that she came down. They got to our hotel first thing in the morning so we had all day, and the kids had a blast. First, we went swimming at the hotel, and then headed to the beach.

67906808 The ninos “knew” where we were going, but when they first saw the ocean, as we approached the pier, they were in complete shock and awe. Each child piled out of the car and just stared out in front of them for a good couple of minutes. Once I assured them that it was okay to run across the sand and out to the water, they took off–screeching the whole way. Imagine the happy mayhem that soon followed. This trip was one of my favorite ‘firsts’ so far.



After Adam’s meeting, he came out to the beach and buried each nino in the sand. The kids thought that was quite possibly the coolest thing they had ever experienced. (Wait until you see the video…..Adorable!) I bought the children new water shoes and sunglasses before the trip. Nikki has yet to take her glasses off her head. And Wompy, well…he had his thrown in the garbage around San Bernardino!!!!!!!! But I have to give the kid props, he hadn’t been home for over a week, and that was his only meldown during that week (except for the very first night of camping, poor little dude). We are making major strides here. :)

What was my favorite part? Talking to my friend about nothing and everything, watching each kid squeal in delight as he or she ran away from the waves (like a thousand times, at least), and seeing how silly goofy happy Adam is when he is playing with his kids. Thanks for being my friend, Maris. Thanks for being an awesome daddy, Adam. And thanks for bringing my life even more joy, ninos!


5 Replies to “beach bums in the making”

  1. I *LOVE* the photo of the ninos lined up in front of the water with their backs to the camera. I can tell they are smiling even from behind! I swear you have two sets of twins.

    Nikki is cracking me up with those sunglasses. She is trying to be cool like her mother.

  2. Looks like they’ll fit right in when they come to the lake to visit us! It may not be the ocean (which btw is the coolest thing on earth) but it’s water and sand and what more could kids ask for! Can’t wait to see you guys in just short of a month :)

  3. I had to comment on your last 3 posts- they just all popped up out of the blue. I am curious what beach you went to. How I love the beach! Seriously, you have had a power packed summer so far. I just keep thinking how totally lucky these little kids are. I am jealous and want to go on trip after trip.

    You seem to just go with the flow with them, and you are so good to connect with friends everywhere you go! We are headed to the beach next month, thanks for getting me extra excited about it!

  4. Thank you so much for letting us be a part of this “first”! Spending the day with you was the highlight of my week. I really wish we didn’t live so far away from one another! So Lyndie totally surprised me as we were looking at photos from the beach day and she says “Look there’s Nikki and Lainey”. I couldn’t believe she knew her name!

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