my love

This post must do without a picture for I am too sickly spent to find my camera. Adam spent two hours last night running around getting my prescriptions and other things on “my list.” He didn’t get home until 8:00 because of me. And after all that, he also brought me a bouquet of flowers. I was too out of it to thank him properly, but I want  him to know that it truly brightened my night and my morning.

Thank you, my love! 

5 Replies to “my love”

  1. Awww…Rachel, you found a good one, didn’t you??? Adam treats you very well. He also helps stranded people get their mini vans up the snowy hill with a 4-wheeler! Hope you are all back to feeling great again, with your super positive attitude. Wish we could take a walk and chat the way you KNOW we can. It’s not the same here without ya. (as much as I am happy for you to be back and moving on…) It’s just a selfish feeling of wanting more time with you. Sigh.

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