Yes, I’m sore. Yes, it’s worth it. Here’s what last week’s training looked like.
Monday– 30 minutes cross-training; 15 min on treadmill, 15 min on bike.
Tuesday– 3 mile walk outside hills; 400 ft. elevation gain
Wednesday–REST (should’ve don strengthening and stretching, but we were in Provo all day, plus I needed a rest since I was super sore)
Thursday– 3 mile walk outside hills; 400 ft. elevation gain
Friday– 30 minute cross-training; 10 min bike, 10 min eliptical, 10 min treadmill. Also total body circut training
Saturday– 3 mile walk outside hills; 400 ft. elevation gain
The Friday weight training is what really got my calves sore. It’s working itself out though. I know I “should” be running, but I needed this first week to get strong enough so I don’t hurt myself when I start jogging. This week I up it to four miles and I’ll jog more of the routes. I’m going to strength train on Mon, Wed, and Fri in addition to my cross-training. Hopefully that will boost my metabolism a little more.
I kept my calorie intake below 2ooo all week— usually between 1600-1800. It feels really good to be tracking everything. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve felt this good. I’m excited to go to the gym tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Happy Training Friends.
Good grief, you are AMAZING! This is some serious training and I’m so impressed that you cut back on the calories. That is more difficult than working out, I fear. Have you lost any weight with all this training? Do you actually walk outside in the snow? That makes you even MORE amazing.
Love ya!
You have an awesome training schedule! I then saw that you only have 11 weeks to prepare, so you need a tight schedule. Keep up the good work!
You inspire me! I really think I should you join you. I’ll think about it…..
Keep up the awesome work. You rock!
You do Rock Rach! And I rock with you! I can’t wait until we wreek (sp?) the benifits of this schedule and calorie decrease! But I sure do feel tons better mentally and physically! I’m glad we’re doing it together you know me I don’t know that I could do it alone, it would be so much harder that’s for sure! Keep up the good work and thanks for helping me so much on learning about food and calorie intake! Your the best!