ones you have yet to meet


Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Harvey
Terrace Heights Cemetary (July 2010)

I know how much Grandma Harvey would have adored the ninos (and does from afar now). She would have called them her precious little angels. She passed away in 2003, nine months before Adam and I got married. Grandpa Harvey passed away Christmas 2007, just eight months before we traveled to Bogota. He was the gruff, WWII type. You know, the guy who was tough on the outside, but a teddy bear on the inside. The guy who would give you the shirt off his back and the shoes off his feet. He and Nikki would have been best buddies. I can see her sneaking her way onto his lap and into his heart.


Can’t wait for the ninos to meet them in person one day. For now, pictures and stories will have to suffice.

rachie day, take five

How does a new mom of four celebrate Rachie Day:

1. French Toast and strawberries in bed

–delivered by the most adorable brown-skinned beauties you have ever seen.

2. Gorgeous flowers arranged in my grandmother’s carnival glass vase

–arranged by mine truly. 

3. Watching three of the four ninos sing (I Often Go Walking…) their hearts out with the primary

–the fourth was, well, singing his own tune in the van with daddy. :)

4. Dinner with the McCrackens

–the men planned, prepped, and cleaned a “Tour of Italy.” (I am sure it was delicious)

5. One yummy back massage, and another amazing card from Adam

–a perfect ending to a perfect day…………as a new mom!