looking forward

Summer will quickly be upon us here in the desert. And you all know how cranky I get when summer comes. So I try and make the summer as busy as possible for myself so that I can endure the baking hot sun.

Here is what we are planning:

Zion Nat’l Park, of course. Year six. We leave tomorrow.

Spring Mountain Ranch, Willy Wonka. Planning this outing for months now with friends. So excited to take the kids to their first official play.
Camp Invent. Danny is going to his first invention camp with a buddy. He is totally stoked.
Bear Lake. The kids and I are planning a week at the lake with my mom and sister. (Adam will be in China on business–boo, boo!)
Swim lessons. Hopefully we can squeeze a couple of these in. :)

Grandma Penning Visits. YAY!
Relay for Life. We are going to Oregon to participate in Team Georgie this summer. So Excited!
Washington. Oh how I love escaping the desert heat, trading it in for two weeks in Yakima. I can’t wait to hang with my family, scrap with Jes, camp at Rainier with cousins, and see old friends and their children.

The Beach. Yes! Who love the Oregon Coast? We do. We do. We have been planning this vacation since Thanksgiving with my parents and siblings. One whole week in Seaside with my family. The kids are going to learn to body surf this time around. Can’t wait for vacation with my hubby and kiddos.

the king and i, take two…

25682571Well, we were supposed to go a couple of weeks ago with the Hirschi clan to The King and I , but my cramping kept us home. Luckily, there was a big group going so we didn’t spoil anyone’s fun. Jaimee changed our tickets to Monday in case I was feeling better. I love the theatre and I really wanted to go so I dressed up and we braved the snowy coldness (nothing like Jessica’s expedition to Riverdance) . We made it to intermission and I couldn’t sit any longer. I was so glad we got out for a couple of hours though. Adam was a trooper as always. I threw this picture in for kicks. It reminds me how amiable and adorable my husband is. He’s been a great caregiver this past month. I love you Adi!!!