Mother’s Day 2009

So, the plan was for all of the kids to help make breakfast for mommy and deliver it to her in bed. Mom tried to pry the secret out of them during the day on Friday, but they stayed strong! Saturday night trouble landed the girls in their bedrooms though, so it was just Daddy and the boys; they were super excited to help with Mommy’s special treat. We made French Toast and eggs, with juice and some strawberries. Bon Appetit!


rachie day, take five

How does a new mom of four celebrate Rachie Day:

1. French Toast and strawberries in bed

–delivered by the most adorable brown-skinned beauties you have ever seen.

2. Gorgeous flowers arranged in my grandmother’s carnival glass vase

–arranged by mine truly. 

3. Watching three of the four ninos sing (I Often Go Walking…) their hearts out with the primary

–the fourth was, well, singing his own tune in the van with daddy. :)

4. Dinner with the McCrackens

–the men planned, prepped, and cleaned a “Tour of Italy.” (I am sure it was delicious)

5. One yummy back massage, and another amazing card from Adam

–a perfect ending to a perfect day…………as a new mom!