Easter Weekend 2012 was also the weekend that Joseph was baptized…by his daddy. In our religion, a child can be baptized at the age of eight. Joseph turned eight in March and decided that he would like to be baptized. He received a warm fuzzy blanket (papa penning) and a teddy bear (mary anne thomas) from different people who spoke to him about the Holy Spirit.
easter 2012
My, oh my! Aren’t they a handsome bunch?? :)
Adam and Brian thought it would be fun to go do carnival rides during Easter Break. Papa and I went along to help herd the 10 children. The cousins had so much fun!!!
Umm, pretty sure the adult men also had fun!!!!!!!!!
Easter 2010
Uncle Brian surprised the kids with an early Easter egg hunt.
first easter in video/pics
Easter Egg Preparations!!!
Easter Egg Hunt 2009!!!
So the second video I am putting up against my better judgement. Oh yes, I am oh so fat these days. And I don’t want to hear it. I know what I need to do. Get off the ice cream and start running again, McCracken. DUH!!!
I can do it. I can do it. I can do it.
easter tidings
It is the beautiful Easter season, and I feel compelled to share this beautiful video. It reminds me of our Savior’s sacrifice, and helps me remember that Jesus has been by my side through every fertility struggle, every lonely moment, and every difficult decision. I am grateful for his sacrifice in death. And I am even more grateful for the hope and glory his resurrection provides.
If there are any among you who are confused as to what we believe, or who doubt our devotion to the Lord Jesus, please take this as a small testimony of our faith, of our belief in his divinity, and of his power to heal our hearts.
In the next two posts we will be sharing our son’s (Danny) baptism, and our family trip to the temple. I am excited to share it with our family and friends who live far away. I also can’t wait to share our special weekend with those of you who we have never met, yet think of as friends, regardless of our different religious backgrounds.